Plumtree School Visit

I was invited to Plumtree School to read my book on Monday 20th February 2023. Refreshed from half term the children were inĀ greatĀ spirits and so well behaved. The Headmaster, Mr Phil Simpson introduced me and I was given a very warm welcome by all. After I had read The Scissor Family and Friends the children were invited to ask any questions. So many hands went up - it was quite wonderful to see the enthusiasm and so many varied questions. What motivated me? Who was the illustrator? When did I start? How did I come up with the idea? Was there a metaphor. I do hope I managed to answer all the questions asked. Thank you so much for inviting me - I loved my time at Plumtree School and a photograph was taken of me sitting on the special painted 'reading chair'! I felt very honoured.

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